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IVolLive Web Platform

Professional-Grade Tools for Option Traders. Scanners, Charts, Option Chains, Calculators, and More.


Monthly Yearly
Our most popular plan: 15-minute delayed prices, $25 per month data downloading included. Best value for less money.
60 $ Billed Yearly, Individual Use
Try 1 Week Free
IVolLive Web Platform
Stock Monitor
Options Chain
IVX Monitor
Probability Calculator
Options Calculator
Contract Viewer
Sentiment Analyzer
PnL Calculator
Data Download
include 25$/month credit
Pro Real-Time
Best for accessing real-time prices and Data Download tool with $80 per month free of charge.
150 $ Billed Yearly, Individual Use
Try 1 Week Free
IVolLive Web Platform
Stock Monitor
Options Chain
IVX Monitor
Probability Calculator
Options Calculator
Contract Viewer
Sentiment Analyzer
Spread Scanner
PnL Calculator
Data Download
include 80$/month credit
For personal non professional single use
For professional use engaged with any legal entity, such as company stock option valuation, advisory or consultancy services, accounting services, or any other professional business activity, please contact to discuss professional license arrangement to use Services.

A Powerful Options Scanner

Searching for the most attractive trading strategies? Look no further! Our cutting-edge scanners allow you to set specific criteria and instantly retrieve the best real-time trades, tailored to your objectives.

Whether you're targeting trades with the highest probability of profitability or seeking the best Risk/Reward ratio, our RT Spread Scanner has you covered.


Our scanner encompasses an array of popular strategies, including:

Covered Call
Covered Put
Calendar Spread
Bull Vertical Spread
Bear Vertical Spread
Bull Diagonal Spread
Bear Diagonal Spread
Gut Strangle
Naked Call
Naked Put

Powered by real-time or 20-minute delayed data, our intuitive yet flexible interface caters to both novice and advanced users. Experience unparalleled strategy search performance. Instantly search for strategies based on position value, risk/reward, risk/capital, maximum potential return, and probability of profit—all in real-time. Customize your options market scans with implied volatilities and option Greeks for a truly tailored experience.

Our analysis is grounded in a powerful blend of real-time and historical data. Create multiple scans for diverse trading ideas, all updated simultaneously! Plus, our platform offers real-time position risk simulation, including consideration for short leg assignment risk.

Stock Screener


Our Stock Monitor is the logical evolution of our favorites service. Now you can create interactive lists of your favorite underlying's from around the world and return over 80 advanced metrics, by which you can sort the list. Create and save groups of favorites to easily monitor various portfolios.

Use the integrated calculators to price options under a particular underlying or to check the probabilities of particular movements before certain dates. Choose from preset groups or make your own. Once you have the underlyings and columns dialed in, download the table as a .csv for your archives or to do further analysis in your software of choice.


Data Download Service

The service provides an intuitive interface that allows you to download individual stock volatility data into a CSV (comma separated value) file, which can be easily imported into Excel or other applications for analysis.

P&L Calculator

Using the PnL Calculator is an easy way to chart the profit and loss potential of your trades before you place them, or even to evaluate your existing positions.

Enter as many options legs as you wish using the integrated options chains and the line graph will automatically be calculated and displayed in the main window. A summary table of profit and loss above and below the breakeven point will appear to the left of the graph.

By sliding the pointer over the line graph, you see how the profits or losses change with the underlying price. The corresponding tables display the risk parameters and analytics for the entire position.


Options & Probability Calculators

Our Options Calculator is a useful tool for all investors, allowing you to see fair values and Greeks for any option. You can also input your offered option price for the calculator to return the theoretical Implied Volatility which would result in that price. This tool offers a range of customization options allowing you to conduct various what-if analyses. We have two versions of our Option Calculator: the legacy tool and the IVolLive embedded version.



Visualize all our datasets with powerful charts. From options open interest to normalized historical volatility surfaces and many more, we are able to provide you with invaluable information to help you plan your trades in the best possible conditions.


IVX Monitor

If you want to quickly check implied volatility for any stock or index, the IVX Monitor is for you. Available on our homepage for a limited number of the most popular names, the IVX Monitor gets a full revamp and incorporation into our IVolLive platform. Now you can see the IVX chart for any name easily in our Stock Monitor, just click on the chart icon next to any ticker and the IVX chart will immediately pop up.

Intraday you can monitor IVX 30 day, its change from the previous close and comparison to 1 Year's High/Low Values. Those hi/low numbers give a good perspective for current implied volatility.


Sentiment Analyzer

The Stock Sentiment service is a tool equally useful for both stock and options traders as it provides you stock trend analysis based on a combination of historical, technical, options-derived and fundamental data. The service is comprised of 4 sections:

Stock Sentiment Summary

Stock trend analysis summary. The summary is based on Implied and Realized figures as well as Technical Analysis Indicators.

Interactive Price Band Calculator

Allows you to estimate future stock price range for a given probability (calculated on the basis of historical or implied volatility) - commonly referred to as "Bollinger bands".

Interactive Technical Analysis Charts

Most popular and reliable TA indicators are charted; you have the ability to change an indicators’ term(s) to match your own trading horizons or just find the value that matches the best stock trend prediction.

Stock Data section

Historical, fundamental and options-derived data is shown here.


Option Chain

Dig into our professional option chain and stand ready to trade.

With the IVolLive option chain, you will get an in depth understanding of volatility for each expiration and strike including current levels and changes. Use the Greeks to prepare your trades.

Ready to Get Started?

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